The HRSA grant covers a 5-year period from April 2024-March 2029 and has the following goals to support families and children in Maine:

  1. Engage EHDI system stakeholders at the state/territory level to improve language acquisition outcomes.
  2. Disaggregate data to identify populations and address disparities in language acquisition outcomes.
  3. Provide a coordinated statewide infrastructure to ensure newborns are screened by 1 month of age, identified by 3 months of age, enrolled in EI by 6 months of age (1-3-6 recommendations), and loss to follow-up/loss to documentation is reduced.
  4. Support state/territory-wide capacity for hearing screening in young children up to age 3
  5. Develop mechanisms to support and engage families with DHH children and DHH adults throughout the statewide EHDI system of services
  6. Engage, educate, and train health professionals and service providers in the statewide EHDI system about the 1-3-6 recommendations; the need for hearing screening up to age 3, the benefits of a family-centered medical home and the importance of communicating accurate, comprehensive, up-to-date, evidence-based information to families to facilitate the decision-making process to enroll in early intervention services.

Earliest Interactions is a collaboration between Maine CDC and MECDHH to meet the goals.

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What is EHDI?

Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) is a federal program that supports states in ensuring that every newborn is screened for a hearing difference prior to hospital discharge. EHDI programs also ensure that infants not passing the hearing screening receive diagnostic evaluation before three months of age and, when necessary, are enrolled in early intervention programs by six months of age. In Maine, this work is done with grant funds from US CDC, HRSA and MCH block grant funds through Maine’s EHDI program (Maine Newborn Hearing Program, Maine CDC). Read further to find out more about Maine’s EHDI system.

The EHDI System

The Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is an office of the Maine Department of Health and Human Services. Their mission is to provide the leadership, expertise, information, and tools to ensure conditions in which all Maine people can be healthy. Maine's Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Program (Maine Newborn Hearing Program) is part of Maternal and Child Health within the Maine CDC Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN) Program.

MNHP Website

At a Glance

These four organizations work together to provide information, resources, and support through the newborn hearing screening process to help families and their children achieve the 1-3-6 EHDI goals and help improve language acquisition outcomes.

The EHDI System An illustration showing the various organizations that make up Maine's ehdi System. Community of Support Serving Families with Children 1-3-6 and Beyond EI EHDI EIFS MNHP CDS* MECDHH HRSA CDC

*a.k.a. EI for ME

Our Team

Meet some of the people who are working to ensure that families with children who are deaf or hard of hearing and the professionals who work with them have up-to-date information, resources and support to get their children the services they need to reach their highest potential.

Swipe to see more

Naomi Montag, MPH
Anne Banger
Naomi Montag, MPH
Darlene Freeman
Amy Spencer
Ariana Whiting
Katherine Duncan
Amber Woodcock
Katherine Duncan

Family-Based Organization

25% of our HRSA grant funding is allocated to support family engagement and family support activities. Maine Hands & Voices was fortunate to be chosen as Maine’s Family-Based Organization for this grant cycle. Because our chapter has an established Guide By Your Side Program with both Parent Guides and Deaf and Hard of Hearing Guides, we feel we are in the best position to offer this support for families with children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Our chapter and GBYS Program offer many opportunities throughout the year for families to attend events (virtually during COVID), participate in Zoom webinars, and for their children to be able to take advantage of fun activities planned on a regular basis. Since our program is imbedded into the Part C (CDS/EI for ME) process, families have opportunities to meet our Parent Guides and Deaf and Hard of Hearing Guides at any time through this process for support.

A parent and their child smiling
A parent and their child standing behind a photo stand-in of a truck full of pumpkins

Who is Maine Hands & Voices?

In their own words: “Maine Hands & Voices is a nonprofit, parent-led organization that provides unbiased support to families with children who are Deaf or hard of hearing. We are here to answer your questions, give parent-to-parent support from someone who has been on a similar journey, and offer opportunities to meet other families with children who are Deaf or hard of hearing.”